Parental Alienation
Parental alienation occurs when one parent attempts to turn children against the other parent by manipulation, negative comments against the other parent, blaming the other parent for the separation and divorce, and denying time with the other parent to carry out the alienation. Parental alienation is one of the most difficult issues family law attorneys handle, but one the Family First Law Group lawyers are all too familiar with.
Why Do I Need A Will?
Why have a will? A Will costs money. It’s no fun to think about. You just can’t find the time to get around to it. What difference does it make?
What is No Fault Divorce?
When someone says they want a no fault divorce, what does that even mean?
Importance of a Living Will
Making a living will empowers each of us to make sensitive decision for ourselves, and thereby to spare loved ones, lawyers, doctors, and judges the difficult, awkward, and heart-rending task of trying to make tough choices for us, after it is to late for us to do so ourselves.